A place for having a picnic, made with grass taken from the Anyang Sports Complex. Shaped like an airplane, the spot has picnic guideline signs posted around it such as Do not litter, Fall in love, Equality first. The artist group, while visiting Anyang, discovered that the Anyang Art Park had practically no grassy areas where visitors could enjoy a picnic. So, the members cut out the grass off-limits to the general public of the Anyang Sports Complex in the shape of an airplanebrought it to the park. The Tokyo Picnic Club was d in 2002 to stand up for the Tokyoites rights to have a picnic in the city where the picnic area per capita is relatively low. For them, picnics represent the act of establishing social relationships within the poor living conditions of cities. On November 15, 2005 during the 1st APAP, members of the group visited Anyangenjoyed picnics with other artists wearing the picnic costumes that they designed.